Friday, March 1, 2013

A positive midlife crisis

I begin this blog some 50 years into my life, about one year after leaving my career in the sped-up business world, and in my second semester of seminary.  I am full of doubt and uncertainty, but I am sure of the need to turn or return to myself, to soften into the gentle tug I have been feeling to move towards the infinite--towards God--and towards service and purpose. Towards good.  I have called the blog "Bending towards Good" because I am not always sure I am walking purposefully towards good all the time; I acknowledge I am looking for it, seeking it, and inclining myself towards it.

I've been needing this blog, because I've begun self-editing on Facebook and wanting a bit more freedom to explore topics in depth, and also in more safety from the eyes of my 1,000 Facebook friends.   Not that what I share here won't be for anyone to see.  But Facebook is beginning to reflect a me that I once was--spread thin, skimming the surface, approachable and liked by many, but deeply engaged with far fewer souls.  I need more room to reflect and I see this as a living room to which I will more selectively invite people, although strangers who relate to my path are welcome!!

Among the things I will explore on this blog: a spiritual view of some of the events in the world; observations about my life within the George Fox Seminary community; moments of grace, skeptical rants, cries of distress, and no doubt some self-righteous "I know better" exhortations; as well as some of my own life stories--about being a "highly successful" orphan in the world, which I want to develop for a book.

Please be gentle with me.  I don't know what I am doing!  And for now, so be it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi MA,

    Nice beginning! And the second piece (No Big Deal) was very good. Sorry I took so long to see this. I've got to do something about my email problem, because I only just saw the one you sent 3/1 about this blog ;-& Have been making slow but steady progress in "You Are Not Alone" which I recommended to you, and all I can say is, I wish such a thing had been around when we were kids. I'm about to write a journal entry which I'll post here in the comments when I'm done. Keep up the good work!!
